Resource Sheet 3

Decorations at Parliament House

It would be impossible to describe in a small space the magnificent display of decoration made at the Parliament House… endless beauties of leaf, living fern, laurel wreath worked into arches, festoons, and all kinds of artistic designs… The whole scene was splendid and did credit to those who were entrusted with the decorations…

The Mercury, 1 January 1901.

Parliament House, Hobart, 1901

Hobart Parliament House: collection of postcards, State Library of Tasmania, au-7-0016-125412775.

Decorations around Hobart

Of decorations, during the day, there were few in the city, and in the suburbs next to none. In fact, many people, enthusiastic at heart, found it difficult to decide just how to decorate suitably… So far there has been no authoritative decision as to what the Federal flag shall be, and the inclination to buy State emblems was naturally wanting.

The Mercury, 1 January 1901.