Resource Sheet 4
The Commonwealth League—benefits of Federation

Advance Australia, May 1898, State Library of South Australia.
The anti-Commonwealth Bill League flyer

Anti-Commonwealth Bill League, yellow flyer, State Library of South Australia, Advance Australia.
Summary of the anti-Commonwealth Bill League flyer
- The Commonwealth will be expensive to run. Taxes will rise.
- South Australia will have to collect taxes for the Commonwealth. This will be costly for South Australia.
- A national defence force will be very expensive. South Australia will have to help pay for other colonies.
- The Commonwealth will take over South Australia’s income but not its debts.
- Industries are expected to move to the larger colonies of New South Wales and Victoria. This will lead to a rise in unemployment in South Australia.
- Wages are likely to be reduced in South Australia.
- Things will become more centralised around New South Wales and Victoria.
- Post office telephone and telegraph services would be better and cheaper under local control.
- There could be state taxes on land, added on to Commonwealth taxes. This would harm farmers.